SMART Moves is a comprehensive prevention program that helps young people resist alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, as well as premature sexual activity. The program uses a teaching approach involving Club staff, peer leaders, parents, and community representatives. This year-round program teaches young people ages 6-15 how to say no via discussions and role-playing, practicing resistance and refusal skills, developing assertiveness, strengthening decision-making skills, and analyzing media and peer influence. The program’s components include: SMART Kids, for children ages 6-9, Start SMART, for youth ages 10-12, Stay SMART, for teens ages 13-15, and SMART Parents, for parents of Club members participating in SMART Moves.

Street SMART
Street SMART consists of three components designed to help young people ages 11-13 not surrender to gang-related and violent activities. By teaching Club members how to effectively resist gangs and violence, resolve conflicts and be positive peer helpers in their communities, youth learn that they have a myriad of positive options available to them. Street SMART also allows youth the opportunity to hold annual events that promote anti-gang and anti-violence themes while celebrating themselves.

SMART Girls is a health, fitness, prevention, education, and self-esteem enhancement program for girls ages 10-15. The program is designed to encourage healthy attitudes and lifestyles that will enable early adolescent girls to develop to their full potential. By teaching young ladies how to see themselves as intelligent and beautiful, the Club dismantles conventional standards of beauty, thereby encouraging self-confidence and success.

Passport to Manhood
Passport to Manhood promotes and teaches responsibility while reinforcing positive behavior in male Club members ages 11-14. The program consists of small-group sessions which concentrate on a specific aspect of manhood through highly interactive activities. Each participant is issued his own “passport” to underscore the idea that he is on a journey of maturation and personal growth.

Kids in Control
Kids in Control is a safety awareness program designed to help Club members ages 8-10 develop the personal safety habits and practical skills needed to be safe at the Club, at home and in the neighborhood. The program offers interactive approaches to building Club members’ crime prevention and personal safety skills through role-playing, games and other participatory activities.

First Aid & Safety
This program teaches Club members ages 6-8 safety techniques such as fire and tornado drills. Members also learn the “Stranger, Danger” concept with emphasis on helping each other remain smart and safe through the “Buddy System” and not accepting things from strangers.

Cavity-Free Zone
Cavity-Free Zone was developed to improve the oral health of Club members ages 6-18. Through oral health educational program materials, a Web site and collaborative efforts with local dental schools, dental societies, and other health care agencies, Cavity-Free Zone will help improve dental health among disadvantaged youth.